This was a pretty rough week in all senses of the word... It was pretty interesting. First off Elder Adamson attended a conference for all the nuevos misioneros. So he left tuesday afternoon and got back thursday night... So tuesday and wednesday I was with a member from the ward out to work, and most of the day thursday I was in the good ol`trio once again with Elder Arèvalo and Elder Arancibia haha... So that was interesting. I had alot of fun being with the member. His name is Tano, and he`s a little special. He`s normal and is about 30 something years old, except for his mental capacity is a lot lower. So he still helps a lot and gives good testimony and shares experiences in the lesson, but he`s just a little slow haha. But heeeee`s like my best friend hahaha. I love the guy to death and I`ve actually worked with him a few times, and he`s the coolest guy in the world and so funny. haha I will miss him when I leave from here. Anyway. So that happened.
So while Elder Adamson was gone though, Fransisco had his baptismal interview! And passed it with flying colors! (haha kind of) anyway. So we were very happy and excited about that. So we got EVERYTHING ready and had everything ready. Elder Adamson came back, and so on Friday we called them up to let them know we were coming over visit, and during that phonecall, Ketty (the mom) told us that he wasnt going to be getting baptized the next day, and that they werent sure he was going to get baptized at all. Awesome. So we went over to their house, and spent hours over there talking to them and figuring things out and sacando dudas and everything so that he would be baptized the next day.... With little success. So this family is a little crazy, so we thought maybe it was just a phase and everything would be fine the next day. We did ALOT of praying. ALOT. for the next day, hoping that everything would turn out okay. The next day (saturday. Day of the baptism) we went over to their house, and spent another long while at their house figuring things out. This time was alot better. We had a good long talk with Ketty and were figuring things out and clearing things up. The spirit was SUPER strong and Elder Adamson and I both felt that we were winning and progressing and that everything was going to turn out okay... But in the end, nothing. Ketty didnt want him to be baptized, Fransisco doesnt want to get baptized, and it looks like its not something where they just want to wait a week or two more or anything. So the baptism fell through. No baptism this week. We`ll be passing by their house another time or 2 this week to see if anything changes... but were thinking that not. It was a pretty firm no... But EVERYTHING was ready. All signs pointed to yes, but the day before/day of.... it all fell through.
and I am extremely, extremely frustrated. There`s obviously lots of other things that are going on that are really frustrating me in this time, more than just the baptism falling through. But I am just beat, and lost, and have no idea what to do... I`m admitting it.
A scripture that I`m really focusing on in this moment is Alma 26:27, that says: 27 Now when our hearts were depressed, and we were about to turn back, behold, the Lord comforted us, and said: Go amongst thy brethren, the Lamanites, and bear with patience thine afflictio ns, and I will give unto you success.
Obviously with everything that I`m having to deal with right now, I get discouraged, its hard, and sometimes I feel so lost that I just want to give up! (dont worry Im not ever going to give up haha) But its hard! But I have faith. I know the Lord. I know Him enough to know that He lives and He knows me and loves me, and he doesn´t want me to be discouraged and lost and beat up. He wants me to be happy and successful! Men are that they might have joy. It doesn´t mean life is going to be perfect, but we can be happy. So, Im pushing forward, bearing my afflictions with patience, and waiting for the breakthrough moment. The Lord wants me to be happy and successful, so I know He will do that. I just gotta wait for it in His time. Being completely honest, Im having a real rough time right now, but Im just waiting. haha. Obviously Im working hard and doing all I can, but its just not turning out in my favor. So if I keep doing all I can and patiently wait, the success will come. When, I have no idea. But it will come. I know it.
But the sooner the better :P hahaha.
So anyway. There`s my rant. And the update of Fransisco. BUT. On a happier note I had alot of super cool spiritual experiences this week! and some milagritos and cosas asì haha. but for time purposes, I wont go into detail with them. But I really did have some super cool answers to prayers, and experiences with the spirit and everything. Just know it was awesome and the Holy Ghost is a real thing haha. Other happy note, I`ve improved alot this past week with the use of "Po" in my day to day conversations haha. Im pumped about that. Its fun.
And the last super happy note is that we kiiiiiiiind of did have a baptism this week? Long story short, like 3 or 4 weeks ago, we ended up passing by a menos activo family, and invited them back to church and such. (its a suuuuper long story haha) He has an 8 yr old son, and this saturday his son got baptized as well! And the family is getting super active again! So THAT is a super huge awesome blessing/success we`ve had that I dont deny at all was a huge blessing from the Lord. So we attended that baptism and it was awesome to be there to support them and everything :) So we ARE really happy about that!!
Andddd the last thing... There`s 2 members here (an older, married couple) that have a cookie shop here... They make their own cookies and sell them. Theyre super good! (Not quite like mom`s cookies though ;) ) anyway... The Hermana asked me to send an email home, and whenever the next time is that someone sends me a package, included in that package, would you mind sending some Peanut Butter Chocolate chips??? hahaha. Thats what theyre called right? Chocolate chips... but peanut butter? Just a big bag of them? She wants some for some cookies haha. And just always tells me how she just cantttt quite get them right here. So she has requested some from the good ol` US of A. That would be greatly appreciated. Gracias. But no rush. Just the next time a package ends up coming my way haha.
But so yeah. Thats all folks. I love you all and miss you lots. Hope all is well. The church is true! I love the work! Yes, its super hard and Im passing a hard time, but its alllll for the better. Ill be learning something HUGE from this, I know it haha. I love you all! Que les vaya super bien. Chau!!
-Elder Heyman
p.s. Camara still broken, but Im having Elder Adamson send me a picture or two to forward. THANKSBYE.
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