So anyway. That was lame. But asì es la misiòn.
I actually dont have much to update from this week. We had the fiestas patrias this week. Thats the independence day parties. It just made for a slow week haha. Nobody was home and not alot of people accepted us. The hardest part was just the fact that nobody was even home... so it made for ALOT of walking and little talking. So it felt like we werent doing alot haha. But in the end of the week it all turned out alright. so we had a good week! haha just a slow one.
On wednesday (el 28 de septiembre) the only difference was that at the end of the night we were able to go to the chapel for two hours to enjoy the fiesta they were having at the church. they had lots of food and dancing... so we just took advantage of the food! we ate LOTS of empanadas, sopaipillas, pajaritos, LOTS and LOTS of meat, Mote con huesillo and just all the tipical chilean foods haha. And we ate ALOTTTTT. SO MUCH. Thats the biggest thing about chile here... they just EAT and EAT and EAT so much food haha. So we stuffed ourselves and ate very good this week. We had like 3 asados (bbqs) this week for lunch haha. We were all dying. But so it was alot of fun, DELICIOUS, and nos quedamos BIEN satisfecho. (and fyi I still havent gained weight.... nor lost weight... Im basically the same. I probably HAVE gained just a few pounds...) (and I still miss my beard.)
But those are basically the only two updates from the week... haha. Investigator updates!
Maxi and his fam are doing awesome! Everything is going all good for his baptism this Saturday! So we`ll have a baptism this week. Yayyyy. And yesterday the parents were able to have an interview with the bishop so they can start in right and strong as they return back to church and so they can go through the repentance process the right way! So that was a huge step for them and were way happy they could do that. But that means that unfortunately the dad wont be able to do the baptism... So we`ll see what happens there. But, the family is progressing ALOT and all is going very well! Yayyy!!
We were also to bring the WHOLE family of the family Paredes Jara to church this week! It was awesome. Theyre a family of 5. The dad (menos activo) and the wife, daughter, and two sons. All 5 of them were in church! it was awesome. Things are going well with them too. We just need to improve a couple things with our teaching to help them a little better. But so we`re doing good with them as well. I feel like they`ll definitely be getting baptized. So keep them in your prayers! They need it.
But thats all ive really got for today... But all is well. Im more tired now than I ever have been in my life before. Thats the only thing I want. Sleep. ha. Im for real SO tired. Hopefully Ill have a little extra time at the end of the pday for a little nap- That would be heavenly. We`ll see. pero BIEN. Thats all for today folks. Have an awesome week and awesome time in life. Live it up and be happy. The church is true, the gospel is true, and the priesthood is restored. YAY! :D haha. Love you all and miss you!
-Elder Heyman
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