So im dead tired right now because when we had consejo de lideres we have all day p-day... So after consejo we went and played futbol for awhile. And its getting pretty hot here. So i am DEAD tired right now haha... That sunscreen that was sent to me in my christmas package was inspired. I need it big time. Its saving my skin right now haha thank you so much!!!
Wellllll it was just FANTASTIC getting to see and talk to all the family on Google Hangout on Christmas!!! EASILY the best part of the day haha. IT was so awesome to see everyone. It was werid and amazing for me to realize that... besides my parents, it had been a YEAR since i had seen and talked to everyone else! WOW how time passes by so fast. haha. All the siblings look great and happy, and all the nieces and nephews look GINORMOUS and cuter than ever! I miss you all so much!
Well so just a quick update of how the Christmas week went. So on Christmas we just woke up, opened presents, skyped, ate lunch, and then went to the "mission activity" where we just basically had a big asado and dinner and played games (i played futbol the whole time haha. I love it and make sure to take advantage of every opportunity i get to play it. Helps keep me in a little better shape as well! haha) and it was alot of fun! So we just passed it well on christmas day!
and that was basically it haha. There were lots of little funny things that happened this week. We had a ward christmas party (it was super.... okay. not anything great haha) there was some crazy drunk lady in the street that out of nowhere starting yelling at us and tried to hit my companion with her big old purse. But she was drunk or something so she missed and wasnt even close.... I had something in my mouth so i tried to spit it out, but its really windy here so it just came right at me and nailed my shirt... haha just things like that. But overall it was a good week!
Now we just need to get back to the hard work so we can llevar a cabo la obra del Señor!!
Were having some struggles with this family weve been working with... so if you could please include them in your prayers. Theres just something thats not clicking and their not making the gospel a priority in their lives... So keep the family Sid Vargas in your prayers please!
oh and last thing i remembered. On Tuesday we had our district classes, and since it was Christmas eve we asked our district leaders to just have a little fun with it and do something christmasy in their classes. And so the class i was in, we reinacted the first christmas... i dont remember how to say it in english haa. pero hicimos un pesebre. and we videotaped it and it was way funny and fun. But i dont know how to send the videos on this email so sorry :/
But more than that I just have some fotos from opening presents and stuff haha. So ill pass them along. Its not much but better than nothing.
I love you all lots and lots and miss you lots and lots too!!! Have an awesome week and have a happy new year! We dont have any special plans or get any special exceptions for the new years, so we`ll just be out working! But have a good one! I love you and miss you!
Elder Heyman
1. This is the son of the family we ate dinner with on Christmas Eve! One of santas little helpers haha. He wanted to take pictures with me with our christmas hats on. His name is Diego.

1. This is the son of the family we ate dinner with on Christmas Eve! One of santas little helpers haha. He wanted to take pictures with me with our christmas hats on. His name is Diego.
2. We got our christmas ties!!!! Yeahhhhh!!! We were so happy haha. Theyre awesome ties. Thanks so much mom and dad!!! :) We love them! (We were so tired. We went straight to opening presents haha)
3. Heres me with my awesome stocking! haha i loved it. I was gonna send a prettier looking picture but i just found this picture WAY to funny to pass up. We were SO TIRED. haha.
4. Heres me with some of the take away christmas morning! Ties! Peanut butter! Lotion! Sunscreen! American candy! WOO HOOOOO!!!! I scored big time!!!! Thank you so much parents and family :) I Love it all!
5. This picture is funny because it just shows how religious Chile is. This is just an average little corner shop thats called "La Nueva Jerusalen" which means The New Jerusalem. haha... Not quite... not quite...We just thought it was funny it was called that.
1. This was a SWEET dessert we got the other day. We never get desserts as well presented as this. So it called for a foto haha.
2. Me with previously commented dessert.
3. This was just funny. Elder Tafur (to the right) is new and we went to go sing for those kids like i told you about. On the bus ride elder tafur PASSED OUT. and had his head on his comps shoulder haha. So we took a picture and it was funny.
4. Heres an awesome chocolate santa claus that the same hermana that made that sweet dessert made herself. She gifted it to us!.....
5. ...and it was DELICIOUS!
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